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About Filippo de Orchi

nasce a Roma,  conosce Trieste

curioso e interessato, 

torna a Roma per finire la scuola continua a seguire (meglio, continua a essere sincrono con) movimenti letterari e musicali che in quegli anni             " the late Sixties" si succedono velocemente

meno veloce lo studio

laurea in Lettere Moderne

docente di materie letterarie

qualche articolo in riviste specializzate

convincente ed efficace presso una nota fashion house

responsabile del customer service in una multinazionale finanziaria responsabile dell’amministrazione del personale in un gruppo di aziende

responsabile della sua vita, torna alle emozioni, alla radice e

si proietta verso il futuro, rock’n’roll e fotografia

Beat, Rock'n'Roll, Blues, Pop, Metal, Funky, Soul, R&B, Grunge, Country, Folk, Reggae, Surf, Punk, Garage, Ska, Glam, Indie….le sue foto segnano il tempo della musica, tutta



born in Rome, he lives a while in Trieste

returns to Rome to finish school

wowed by life, with a rage to live ever stronger

he continues to stay in tune with literary a musical trends that, in those years - the late Sixties - change fast 

his studies naturally go less fast

after a degree in Modern Literature, he teaches it and writes some articles for specialized magazines

he's persuasive and efficient in a well-know fashion house

after managing Customer Service in a finance multinational and Personnel in a group of companies

he wants his life and soul back, and a return to his roots this renewed passion turns him to his new future: Rock & Photography

his photos mark the times, the musical milestones of Beat, Rock'n'Roll, Blues, Pop, Metal, Funky, Soul, R&B, Grunge, Country, Folk, Reggae, Surf, Punk, Garage, Ska, Glam, Indie…


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